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Table 4 The role of leptin in OSAHS and OHS

From: The role of leptin in the respiratory system: an overview

Reference (year)

Main message

Main limitations

Ip et al68 (2000)

Leptin significantly correlated with AHI

Only males/Limited number of patients/Potential influence by comorbidities/No adjustment for FM

Campo et al78 (2007)

Higher leptin is associated with reduced respiratory drive and reduced hypercapnic response

Conditions of blood sampling unknown/Potential influence by comorbidities

Philips et al82 (2000)

Increased leptin in OSAHS

Only males/Limited number of patients/Low statistical power

Barcelo et al86 (2005)

Decrease in leptin after nCPAP treatment in non-obese OSAHS

Only males/Limited number of patients/No adjustment for FM

Shimizu et al90 (2002)

Significant decrease in leptin after 1 day of nCPAP

The decrease of leptin correlated with cardiac sympathetic function

Only males/Limited number of patients/Potential influence by comorbidities

Low statistical power

Phipps et al96 (2002)

Leptin is a predictor for the presence of hypercapnia

Limited number of patients/Sex unknown

  1. Abbreviations: FM: Fat Mass