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Table 2 Demographic and physiological data across groups

From: Lung clearance index in adults with non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis


Control subjects (n = 18)

CF patients (n = 40)

Non-CF bronchiectasis patients (n = 43)

Age (years)‡‡‡‡

48.3 (3.9)

28.7 (1.5)####

67.4 (1.1)####, ¥¥¥¥

Sex (% male)




BMI (kg/m2)‡‡‡‡

26.8 (1.2)

22.9 (0.5)##

27.1 (0.7)¥¥¥¥

FEV1 (% pred.)‡‡‡‡

113.3 (4.8)

65.9 (3.4)####

82.0 (3.8)####, ¥¥

FVC (% pred.)‡‡‡‡

117.2 (5.6)

84.5 (3.0)####

96.1 (3.4)##, ¥

FEV1/FVC (%)‡‡‡‡

80.9 (1.0)

65.9 (1.8)####

68.4 (1.7)####

FRCmbw (L)‡‡

2.52 (0.19)

1.99 (0.09)#

2.48 (0.10)¥¥


7.28 (0.27)

13.17 (0.56)####

9.99 (0.31)##, ¥¥¥¥

LCIvent ‡‡‡‡

1.20 (0.02)

1.65 (0.04)####

1.42 (0.03)###, ¥¥¥¥

LCIds ‡‡‡‡

1.13 (0.01)

1.40 (0.03)####

1.27 (0.02)###, ¥¥¥¥

Scond (L‒1)‡‡‡‡

0.033 (0.007)

0.131 (0.010)####

0.064 (0.007)¥¥¥¥

Sacin (L‒1)‡‡‡‡

0.118 (0.014)

0.509 (0.056)####

0.373 (0.036)##

Scond* (L‒1)‡‡‡‡

0.097 (0.009)

0.308 (0.034)####

0.107 (0.010)¥¥¥¥

Sacin* (L‒1)‡‡‡‡

0.090 (0.012)

0.446 (0.054)####

0.355 (0.037)##

  1. CF = cystic fibrosis; BMI = body mass index; FEV1 = forced expiratory volume in one second; FVC = forced vital capacity; FRCmbw = functional residual capacity from multiple breath washout; LCI = lung clearance index; LCIvent = specific ventilation inequality component of lung clearance index; LCIds = dead space component of lung clearance index. Data expressed as mean (standard error) or percentages. Groups compared using one-way analysis of variance with Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons for parametric data, and the Chi-squared test for proportions. Significant differences across groups denoted ‡‡(p < 0.01) or ‡‡‡‡(p < 0.0001). Significant differences compared to control group denoted #(p < 0.05), ##(p < 0.01), ###(p < 0.001) or ####(p < 0.0001). Significant differences between bronchiectasis and CF groups denoted ¥(p < 0.05), ¥¥(p < 0.01) or ¥¥¥¥(p < 0.0001).