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Fig. 1 | Respiratory Research

Fig. 1

From: Associations of a plant-centered diet and lung function across early to mid-adulthood: The CARDIA Lung Study

Fig. 1

Relative distribution of APDQS quintiles among different lung function trajectories (FEV1% predicted). Only participants with year 30 data and at least one other timepoint (n = 3097) were included to ensure that trajectories reflected lung function changes into middle age. Quintile 5 APDQS was more represented in participants with preserved ideal and preserved good lung health, whereas participants with persistently poor lung health were more likely to have scores in quintile 1. The median APDQS scores were 52, 59.7, 66, 72.5, and 82 for quintiles 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 respectively

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