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Table 2 Difference in lung function between participants with and without IOS-BDR in overall participants

From: Clinical characterization and outcomes of impulse oscillometry-defined bronchodilator response: an ECOPD cohort-based study


Overall participants (n = 466)

Participants without IOS-BDR (n = 374)

Participants with IOS-BDR (n = 92)




Spirometry parameters


 FEV1, L

2.09 ± 0.59

2.20 ± 0.56

1.62 ± 0.42

< 0.001


3.19 ± 0.72

3.28 ± 0.73

2.86 ± 0.58

< 0.001

 FEV1, %pred

79.6 ± 20.2

83.6 ± 18.8

63.2 ± 17.2

< 0.001

 FVC, %pred

96.6 ± 16.7

98.8 ± 16.5

87.8 ± 14.2

< 0.001

 FEV1/FVC, %

65.6 ± 12.3

67.5 ± 11.2

57.6 ± 13.2

< 0.001

 FEF25 − 75, % pred

40.2 ± 23.3

44.0 ± 23.4

24.6 ± 15.0

< 0.001

 FEF50, % pred

45.0 ± 26.9

49.5 ± 27.0

26.4 ± 16.7

< 0.001

 FEF75, % pred

31.3 ± 19.6

34.0 ± 20.2

20.1 ± 11.5

< 0.001

IOS parameters



0.33 (0.27, 0.39)

0.31 (0.26, 0.36)

0.43 (0.38, 0.49)

< 0.001


0.27 (0.23, 0.31)

0.26 (0.23, 0.30)

0.30 (0.26, 0.34)

< 0.001


0.05 (0.03, 0.08)

0.04 (0.02, 0.06)

0.14 (0.08, 0.17)

< 0.001


-0.12 (-0.16, -0.09)

-0.11 (-0.14, -0.09)

-0.19 (-0.24, -0.15)

< 0.001


0.41 (0.22, 0.78)

0.33 (0.19, 0.53)

1.43 (0.85, 1.86)

< 0.001


14.89 (11.12, 18.34)

13.61 (10.60, 16.02)

22.01 (18.69, 24.20)

< 0.001



Spirometry parameters


 FEV1, L

2.19 ± 0.59

2.29 ± 0.57

1.78 ± 0.45

< 0.001


3.26 ± 0.73

3.24 ± 0.74

3.37 ± 0.70


 FEV1, %pred

83.6 ± 19.7

87.1 ± 18.6

69.3 ± 17.2

< 0.001

 FVC, %pred

98.5 ± 16.2

100.1 ± 16.4

91.9 ± 13.7

< 0.001

 FEV1/FVC, %

67.8 ± 12.4

69.5 ± 11.5

60.5 ± 13.3

< 0.001

 FEF25 − 75, % pred

45.8 ± 26.0

49.7 ± 26.4

29.9 ± 16.8

< 0.001

 FEF50, % pred

50.7 ± 28.8

55.3 ± 28.9

32.0 ± 19.4

< 0.001

 FEF75, % pred

36.1 ± 22.9

39.0 ± 23.9

24.4 ± 12.7

< 0.001

IOS parameters



0.29 (0.25, 0.35)

0.28 (0.24, 0.33)

0.35 (0.31, 0.40)

< 0.001


0.25 (0.22, 0.29)

0.25 (0.21, 0.28)

0.27 (0.24, 0.31)

< 0.001


0.04 (0.02, 0.07)

0.03 (0.02, 0.05)

0.08 (0.04, 0.11)

< 0.001


-0.11 (-0.14, -0.08)

-0.10 (-0.12, -0.08)

-0.13 (-0.17, -0.10)

< 0.001


0.29 (0.18, 0.50)

0.25 (0.16, 0.42)

0.54 (0.34, 0.96)

< 0.001


13.18 (10.24, 15.80)

12.07 (9.66, 14.91)

16.17 (13.99, 20.48)

< 0.001

Absolute change inIOS parameters



-0.03 (-0.06, -0.01)

-0.02 (-0.05, 0)

-0.08 (-0.12, -0.06)

< 0.001


-0.02 (-0.04, 0)

-0.02 (-0.03, 0)

-0.03 (-0.05, -0.01)



-0.01 (-0.03, 0)

-0.01 (-0.02, 0)

-0.05 (-0.07, -0.03)

< 0.001


0.01 (0, 0.03)

0.01 (0, 0.02)

0.05 (0.04, 0.07)

< 0.001


-0.09 (-0.29, -0.01)

-0.05 (-0.14, 0)

-0.62 (-0.93, -0.46)

< 0.001


-1.13 (-2.96, -0.09)

-0.82 (-2.00, 0.05)

-4.17 (-5.83, -2.19)

< 0.001

  1. Data are mean (standard deviation) or n (%) or medians (interquartile range)
  2. Definition of abbreviations: IOS, Impulse oscillometry; BDR, bronchodilator response; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in one second; FVC, forced vital capacity; R5, resistance at 5 Hz; R20, resistance at 20 Hz; R5-R20, difference from R5 to R20; X5, reactance at 5 Hz; AX, area under the reactance curve; Fres, resonant frequency. Δ: The absolute change was expressed as post-bronchodilator value minus pre-bronchodilator value