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Fig. 4 | Respiratory Research

Fig. 4

From: Early-life house dust mite aeroallergen exposure augments cigarette smoke-induced myeloid inflammation and emphysema in mice

Fig. 4

RNAseq was performed on lung tissue and differentially expressed genes (DEGs) are visualized in volcano plots (A), which identify upregulated DEGs (in red dots) and downregulated DEGS (in blue dots) compared to SAL group. Immunoglobulin gene segments, as well as predicted and pseudo genes are not included. Top genes ranked by fold change or FDR are highlighted in each plot. In addition, gene markers associated with type 2 inflammation (Mcpt2, Il13, Il33) and lung remodelling (Col6a5, Muc5ac) are highlighted in the HDM vs. SAL plot; gene markers associated with emphysema development (Mmp12) and lung remodelling (Ecm2) are highlighted in the CS vs. SAL plot. These featured genes are also highlighted in the HDM-CS vs. SAL plot. Venn diagram (B) further demonstrates among all the DEGs, 627 DEGs are unique to HDM-CS group and 443 DEGs are common to all three experimental groups. (C) Within the 627 DEGs unique to HDMCS group, heatmap shows the expression level of the top 15 upregulated DEGs (upper panel) and top 15 downregulated DEGs (lower panel) ranked by fold change. (D) Among the 443 common DEGs, the heatmap further reveals the expression levels of the top 15 upregulated (upper panel) and downregulated (lower panel) DEGs that are most pronounced in HDM-CS treated mice (higher than HDM or CS. For each biological group, n = 5

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