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Fig. 2 | Respiratory Research

Fig. 2

From: Use of non-small cell lung cancer multicellular tumor spheroids to study the impact of chemotherapy

Fig. 2

mRNA expression changes in ADCA117 MCTS after exposure to carboplatin-paclitaxel or carboplatin-gemcitabine combinations. ADCA117 MCTS were non-treated (n = 13) or treated with a combination of carboplatin (50µM)-paclitaxel (150nM) (CaPa) (n = 5) or gemcitabine (100 nM) (CaGe) (n = 5) repeated 3 times. mRNA were extracted and analyzed using 3’RNA sequencing. (A, B) Volcano-plot of the differentially expressed mRNAs after CaPa (A) or CaGe (B) exposure. Red: significant regulation, Green: non-significant regulation, Blue: significant regulation but under fold-change (FC) cutoff. FC cutoff ≥ 1 or ≤-1

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